Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Mukta Kulkarni, Stephan Alexander Boehm, Soumyak Basu
Workplace inclusion of persons with a disability: Comparison of Indian and German multinationals
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to integrate research on human resource systems with work on disability management practices to outline how multinationals across India and Germany are engaged in efforts to increase workplace inclusion of persons with a disability. Design/methodology/approach – Semi-structured interviews with respondents from multinational corporations in India and Germany were conducted, transcribed, and analyzed.
Eline Ree, Tone Langjordet Johnsen, Anette Harris, and Kirsti Malterud
Workplace inclusion of employees with back pain and mental health problems: A focus group study about employees’ experiences
Aim: To explore how employees experience workplace inclusion of their colleagues or themselves when having back pain or mental health problems. Methods: Three focus group interviews with a sample of 16 kindergarten employees were conducted. Systematic Text Condensation was used for analysis. Results: The participants emphasized that it was easier to include colleagues whose health problems were specific, especially when
Mohamed Atef Abdel Khalk Mousa
Workplace Fun, Organizational Inclusion and Meaningful Work: an Empirical Study
Purpose – This paper addresses nurses working in public hospitals in order to find out how workplace fun may affect their perception of both organizational inclusion and meaningful work. Moreover, and given the novelty of organizational inclusion (OI) and meaningful work, more specifically in the context of developing countries, the authors explore the relationship between OI and meaningful work. Design/
Stephanie Petty, Lydia Tunstall, Hannah Richardson, Niamh Eccles
Workplace Adjustments for Autistic Employees: What is ‘Reasonable’?
Autistic adults are inadequately supported in the workplace. This study sought a definition of ‘reasonable’ and explored facilitators and barriers to employers making reasonable adjustments. 98 employers and employees across a UK city completed a survey; 15% identified as being autistic. Qualitative data were analysed using framework analysis. Reasonable adjustments were defined as having a positive impact on autistic employees’
George Major, Agnes Terraschke, Emily Major, Charlotte Setijadi
Working it out: migrants’ perspectives of social inclusion in the workplace
This paper explores the concept of social inclusion from the perspective of recent migrants, from language backgrounds other than English, at work in Australia. We adopt an understanding of social inclusion that acknowledges the importance of economic independence, while also considering migrants’ feelings of connectedness at work and their sense of belonging. Based on qualitative interviews with migrants collected two
Joshua Hollands
Work and Sexuality in the Sunbelt: Homophobic Workplace Discrimination in the U.S. South and Southwest, 1970 to the Present
In 2016, PayPal, a multinational financial services company canceled an expansion into North Carolina worth millions of dollars and with hundreds of jobs. The cancellation was in response to the state legislature’s passage of a transphobic law. The Public and Facilities Privacy and Security Act restricted transgender and nonbinary individuals from using public restrooms consistent with their gender identity. The
Francisco C. Rodriguez
Why Diversity and Equity Matter: Reflections from a Community College President
Why do the issues of diversity and equity have such resonance for me? As a first-generation immigrant, English-language learner from a working-class family, access to higher education and the opportunity that followed was the door to personal discovery and professional exploration, a door to a renewed hope that was counter to the generations of poverty and isolation that my family
Dawna Ballard, Brenda Allen, Karen Ashcraft, Shiv Ganesh, Poppy McLeod, and Heather Zoller
When Words Do Not Matter: Identifying Actions to Effect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Academy
It is time to move past the words—the well-crafted statements circulated by groups and organizations across the academy, the scholarly writing as displacement, the formal and informal critiques—as if they had some recognizable impact. Each of these rhetorical moves can be valuable in helping to effect larger cultural and structural shifts. Yet, alone, a variety of evidence suggests that these
Katalin Tardos, Veronika Paksi
What do equality plans reveal about workplace equality and diversity in higher education and research performing organisations? : a content analysis approach
In the last two decades implementing Equality/Equal Opportunities/Diversity and Inclusion Plans have been becoming more and more widespread across both private and public organisations (Konrad–Linnehan 1995; Edwin 2001; Kalev–Kelly–Dobbin 2006; Coast 2013; Ali–Konrad 2017). Moreover, as a consequence of internationalisation, globalisation, and growing pressures for excellence, higher education institutions and research performing organisations (RPOs) had to tackle the challenges of
Judy Lundy /Robyn Keast /Ben Farr-Wharton /Maryam Omari /Stephen Teo /Tim Bentley
Utilising a capability maturity model to leverage inclusion and diversity in public sector organisations
Diversity and inclusion (D&I) bring many benefits to society, particularly in public sector organisations servicing increasingly diverse communities. To deliver public value, government agencies at all levels must more intentionally direct public sector knowledge, skills, and experiences to shape the current and future capabilities of a more diverse and inclusive workforce. Fully optimising workplace D&I has proven elusive. An evolving