Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Renzo J. Barrantes & Asia A. Eaton
Sexual Orientation and Leadership Suitability: How Being a Gay Man Affects Perceptions of Fit in Gender-Stereotyped Positions
The current set of studies examines perceptions of gay men’s fitness for leadership positions in the workplace. In two betweensubjects experiments we examined the effect of a male employee’s sexuality on perceptions of his suitability for stereotypically feminine, masculine, and gender-neutral managerial positions, as well as potential mediators (perceptions of target agency and communion) and moderators (target out status) of
Mónica Gonçalves1, Regina Leite, and Emília Fernandes
Sexual Identity in the Workplace: Reasons for (not) Coming out
Extant research on non-normative sexual identity and non-heterosexual people exposes the various forms of discrimination and oppressive practices and behaviors from peers, supervisors and subordinates, clients and organizations in general. This situation creates a dilemma to those workers regarding the self-disclosure of their sexual identity. Most studies shows that the majority usually prefer not to reveal their sexual orientation and
Jan Wynen
Sexual Harassment: The Nexus Between Gender and Workplace Authority: Evidence from the Australian Public Service
Sexual harassment in the workplace is commonly portrayed as the male supervisor harassing female subordinates.Within this popular characterization, the unequal distribution of formal, organizational power is believed to be a necessary precondition for sexual harassment. The traditional cultural image of harassers and targets has however not kept pace with changing workplace realities. Research has indeed found that female supervisors may
Elizabeth Sepper & Deborah Dinner
Sex in Public
This Article recounts the first history of sex in public accommodations law- a history essential to debates that rage today over gerider and sexuality in public. Just fifty years ago,not only LGBTQ people but also cisgender women were the subject of discrimination in public.Restaurants and bars displayed “men-only” signs. Women held secondary status in civic organi-zations, such as Rotary and
Carina Kraft, Debora Jeske and Leopold Bayerlein
Seeking diversity? Consider virtual internships
Purpose – The present paper aims to outline the case for diversity gains for employers via virtual internships, while recognizing the role of government and educational support. Design/methodology/approach – In the context of Australian employment statistics about people with disabilities, the actors, key issues and barriers to utilizing virtual internships are explored. Findings – The results of an online survey
Adrienne M. Kafka
Organizations that engage in “woke-washing,” in which they signal advocacy and commitment to a social-justice-related cause without taking actions to back up this appearance of intention (Vredenburg et al., 2020), may harm vulnerable minority groups. The presence of multicultural values, emphasizing the appreciation of distinct cultural identities, in companies’ promotional materials, versus color-blind values, which minimize cultural distinctions, may affect
Ronald Busse and Sam Regenberg
Revisiting the “Authoritarian Versus Participative” Leadership Style Legacy: A New Model of the Impact of Leadership Inclusiveness on Employee Engagement
The present quantitative research extends the large body of knowledge on the leader–follower relation. On the basis of Kahn’s (1990) engagement model, we develop a new framework featuring a curvilinear inverted U-shaped relationship between leadership inclusiveness and employee engagement. Our survey data (N = 277), collected in the Financial Services Sector in Europe and North America, reveals that three antecedents
Anna Halafoff, Andrew Singleton, Gary Bouma & Mary Lou Rasmussen
Religious literacy of Australia’s Gen Z teens: diversity and social inclusion
Australia is a culturally, religiously and linguistically diverse country, however, learning about the religious dimensions of this superdiversity is inadequately reflected in the national school curriculum, notwithstanding recent attempts to address this at the state level in Victoria. Debates regarding the role of religion in school have raged across the country for decades and have impeded the introduction of learning
"Satoshi T AKAHASHI, Tomomi K OBAYASHI, Masaaki KUNIGAMI, Takashi Y AMADA ,Gaku YAMAMOTO, Atsushi Y OSHIKAWA, and Takao TERANO"
Relations between Partial Diversity and Organizational Performance in an Organization
This paper presents an agent-based simulation model to analyze performance of organization with heterogeneous members. A hierarchical landscapes model with organizational and personal landscapes is proposed and it puts difference of skills and values into difference of personal landscapes. The use of this model shows that an organization needs to have a certain amount of diverse members to improve the
Higgins, Robert S. D.
Reflections on Diversity and Inclusion: Déjà vu All Over Again
De´ja` vu is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. . . As we reflect on the past, present, and future, it feels like we have seen this before. Despite significant career and professional growth as an underrepresented academic surgeon, I am actually quite amazed to find myself in this place at this time in these