15 September

Nicaragua Independence Day

Nicaragua Independence Day is celebrated annually on September 15th to commemorate the independence of Central America from Spanish rule in 1821. This day is a national holiday in Nicaragua and is celebrated with great enthusiasm. The celebrations typically culminate in a school battle of bands who integrate traditional Nicaraguan music and dance into their performances. The day is marked with parades, loud music, and flags. Nicaragua is filled with culture, and the people show their love for their country. The decision to split from Spain was based on several factors, including the independence of regions to the north, the French Revolution, the strong control and heavy taxes imposed by Spain, and the progressive weakening of the Spanish government. Miguel Larreynaga, a Nicaraguan, was instrumental in this process and is still remembered on the 10 Cordoba bills. September is celebrated as a patrimonial month, and the commemorative activities start at schools and institutions on the first of the month.

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