15 September
Day of Our Lady of Sorrows
Day of Our Lady of Sorrows is a Roman Catholic feast day that is celebrated on September 15th every year in Slovakia and other Catholic countries. The feast originated in 1423 and was designated for the Friday after the third Sunday after Easter. The feast was limited to the dioceses of North Germany, Scandinavia, and Scotland before the sixteenth century. In 1668, a separate feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary was granted to the Servites, which was renamed the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows by Pope Innocent XII. Pope Pius VII introduced it into the General Roman Calendar in 1814, and in 1913, Pope Pius X moved the feast to September 15th, the day after the Feast of the Cross. The Day of Our Lady of Sorrows highlights the sorrow of Mary during the Crucifixion and Death of Christ. It is a cultural holiday that is observed with religious processions, masses, and other celebrations.