Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Jie Chen | Chenxing Jing | Kevin Keasey | Ivan Lim | Bin Xu
Gender, workplace preferences and firm performance: Looking through the glass door
Using Glassdoor data we show that women are less satisfied at work than men and that female employ- ees care more about work‐life balance. Further analysis shows that this gender difference in workplace preference vanishes at the manager level, suggesting that women who care less about work‐life balance self‐select into career paths that ultimately lead to management positions. Exploring the
Dr. Amanawa, David Ebiegberi
The Knowledge and Impact of Comparative Management in an Organization
The objective of this discussion is to familiarize you with the topic of comparative management and management techniques in various cultural contexts. The module covers fundamental ideas in comparative management, including how to distinguish between universalistic and particularistic theories, how to use and apply contingency theory, how to assess the explanatory power of culture, how to approach management and administration
Barnini Bhattacharyya and Jennifer L. Berdahl
Do You See Me? An Inductive Examination of Differences Between Women of Color’s Experiences of and Responses to Invisibility at Work
Intersectional invisibility is a salient experience for women of color in the workplace and stems from their nonprototypicality in gender and race. We expand research and theory on intersectional invisibility to propose that women of color vary in their degrees of nonprototypicality, and thus in their social power and their experiences of and responses to invisibility at work. We present
Leanne S. Son Hing * , Nouran Sakr, Jessica B. Sorenson, Cailin S. Stamarski, Kiah Caniera, Caren Colaco
Gender inequities in the workplace: A holistic review of organizational processes and practices
In this paper, we provide a broad, integrative review of the degree to which gender inequities exist in organizational domains and practices covering areas such as performance evaluation, compensation, leadership, work-family conflict, and sexual harassment, spanning the employee lifecycle from selection to exiting the organization. Where the literature allows, we review intersectionality findings. We also review the factors and processes
Robert Engle and Christopher Schlaegel
Cross-cultural impacts in the domestic workplace: multicultural work environment, cultural intelligence, and extra-role performance
Multiculturalism in the workplace has been increasing over the years in many countries, including the United States, with the United Nations indicating there have never been more immigrants than seen today (Titzmann & Fuligni, 2015). Multiculturalism has been increasingly viewed as beneficial, and even as “essential,” by business organizations as it is seen to positively impact such things as better
Nick Drydakis, Anna Paraskevopoulou, Vasiliki Bozani
A field study of age discrimination in the workplace: the importance of gender and race‒pay the gap
Purpose – The study examines whether age intersects with gender and race during the initial stage of the hiring process and affects access to vacancies outcomes and wage sorting. Design/methodology/approach – In order to answer the research question, the study collects data from four simultaneous field experiments in England. The study compares the labour market outcomes of younger White British
Michael Gerlich
Time for Change: Rethinking Top Managers’ Bonus Systems for A Sustainable and Prosperous Future
In response to the profound societal changes in Central Europe, employees’ priorities are shifting towards higher-level needs, compelling Human Resource Management (HRM) practices to adapt and evolve. This paper argues that traditional HRM approaches, which primarily focus on basic needs, are no longer sufficient in meeting the complex demands of the modern workforce. Challenging the status quo, the paper advocates
Abeni El-Amin
Implementing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Educational Management Practices
With more educational institutions entering into public, higher, and professional education, the educational environment has grown increasingly competitive. With this increase in competitiveness has come the need for a greater focus on leadership within the institutions, on administrative handling of educational matters, and on the marketing of the services offered. The Advances in Educational Marketing, Administration, & Leadership (AEMAL) Book
Mónica Gonçalves1, Regina Leite, and Emília Fernandes
Sexual Identity in the Workplace: Reasons for (not) Coming out
Extant research on non-normative sexual identity and non-heterosexual people exposes the various forms of discrimination and oppressive practices and behaviors from peers, supervisors and subordinates, clients and organizations in general. This situation creates a dilemma to those workers regarding the self-disclosure of their sexual identity. Most studies shows that the majority usually prefer not to reveal their sexual orientation and
Blandina Blackburn
Managing neurodiversity in workplaces
Judy Singer [1], a sociologist who has autism, coined the term ‘neurodiversity’ (ND) in the late 1990s, introducing the concept that some developmental disorders may represent a variation of ‘normal’. ND commonly refers to a variety of conditions including, but not limited to, autism spectrum conditions, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and other unspecified conditions. Is it