Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Tetyana (Tanya) Krupiy
A vulnerability analysis: Theorising the impact of artificial intelligence decision-making processes on individuals, society and human diversity from a social justice perspective
The article examines a number of ways in which the use of artificial intelligence technologies to predict the performance of individuals and to reach decisions concerning the entitlement of individuals to positive decisions impacts individuals and society. It analyses the effects using a social justice lens. Particular attention is paid to the experiences of individuals who have historically experienced disadvantage
Vijay Pereira, Elias Hadjielias , Michael Christofi , Demetris Vrontis
A systematic literature review on the impact of artificial intelligence on workplace outcomes: A multi-process perspective
Artificial intelligence (AI) can bring both opportunities and challenges to human resource management (HRM). While scholars have been examining the impact of AI on workplace outcomes more closely over the past two decades, the literature falls short in providing a holistic scholarly review of this body of research. Such a review is needed in order to: (a) guide future research
Rezza Moieni, Peter Mousaferiadis, Leyla Roohi
A Study on Diversity Prediction with Machine Learning and Small Data
There are discussions about the importance of diversity in literature and in the media and minimizing gaps between minorities and majorities. In order to see if a community is making progress in minimizing these gaps and to measure success, there is an interest in being able to predict the diversity of communities given currently prevailing. There are well-designed data forecasting
Mr. Vivek V. Yawalkar
A Study of Artificial Intelligence and its role in Human Resource Management
In the competitive world Industries, collet the accurate data and analyzed the collected data for the use of companies growth and daily working is essential. Artificial Intelligence helps the industry to work in faster way and efficient way to complete the work. Artificial Intelligence is entering into various department like human resource department, finance department, marketing and production department. With
Travis J. Grosser| Christopher M. Sterling | Rohit S. Piplani | Kristin L. Cullen-Lester | Theresa M. Floyd
A social network perspective on workplace inclusion: The role of network closure, network centrality, and need for affiliation
Organizations are increasingly recognizing the important role employee inclusion perceptions play in promoting positive employee attitudes and behaviors. Although social networks are frequently cited as being a driver of perceived inclusion, little empirical work has examined the social network conditions that give rise to it. We address this gap by examining how both network position (indegree centrality) and network structure
Marianne Piano , Kristin Diemer , Michelle Hall , Flora Hui , Elaina Kefalianos, Belinda J. Lawford , Gemma McKibbin and Rebecca J. Jarden
A rapid review of challenges and opportunities related to diversity and inclusion as experienced by early and mid-career academics in the medicine, dentistry and health sciences felds
Background Early- and mid-career academics in medicine, dentistry and health sciences are integral to research, education and advancement of clinical professions, yet experience significant illbeing, high attrition and limited advancement opportunities. Objectives Identify and synthesise published research investigating challenges and opportunities related to diversity and inclusion, as experienced by early and mid-career academics employed in medicine, dentistry and health sciences
Rezza Moieni, Peter Mousaferiadis, and Carlos Oscar Sorezano
A Practical Approach to Measuring Cultural Diversity on Australian Organizations and Schools
Although there is an abundance of academic literature addressing the importance of cultural diversity, there is a significant lack of discussion afforded to actual methodologies employed when measuring diversity. Our research comprises the development of a set of quantifiable dimensions of diversity that can be benchmarked, compared over time, evaluated against adjustable variables and used to provide recommendations. Our research
Peter T. Coleman, Allegra Chen-Carrel, and Bodi M. Regan
A New Conflict-Resolution Model to Advance DEI
Racism, misogyny, classism, xenophobia — when these chronic problems afflict organizations, they stem from a constellation of forces, not a single attitude, act, or outdated norm. As a result of that complexity, solutions can be elusive, and we often see intransigence even in places explicitly committed to change. Take, for example, our home institution of Columbia University, which invested more
McCord, Mallory A. ; Joseph, Dana L. ; Dhanani, Lindsay Y. ; Beus, Jeremy M.
A Meta-Analysis of Sex and Race Differences in Perceived Workplace Mistreatment
Despite the growing number of meta-analyses published on the subject of workplace mistreatment and the expectation that women and racial minorities are mistreated more frequently than men and Whites, the degree of subgroup differences in perceived workplace mistreatment is unknown. To address this gap in the literature, we meta-analyzed the magnitude of sex and race differences in perceptions of workplace
Fidelindo Lim, DNP, CCRN; Paul Andrew Jones, MS, AGPCNP-BC, RN-BC; and Medel Paguirigan, EdD, RN
A guide to fostering an LGBTQ-inclusive workplace
In April 2018, the American Nurses Association released a position statement on nursing advocacy for LGBTQ+ populations. The “Q” stands for queer or questioning and the “+” indicates inclusivity of other sexual and gender minorities not spelled out within the LGBTQ acronym.1 Key nursing organizations, such as the American Academy of Nursing (AAN), International Society of Psychiatric- Mental Health Nurses,