Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Christopher M. Rosett , Austin Hagerty
Introducing HR Analytics with Machine Learning: Empowering Practitioners, Psychologists, and Organizations
Introducing HR Analytics with Machine Learning is a book to demystify machine learning for non-statisticians and non-data scientists as well as to explain why and how using machine learning with employee data (and other workforce data) requires special consideration for all professionals, regardless of technical background. We understand that using data to inform decisions about human capital is paramount to
Cynthia S. Wang, Jennifer A. Whitson, Brayden G King, Rachel L. Ramirezd
Social Movements, Collective Identity, and Workplace Allies: The Labeling of Gender Equity Policy Changes
Social movements seek allies as they campaign for social, political, and organizational changes. How do activists gain allies in the targeted institutions they hope to change? Despite recognition of the importance of ally support in theories about institutional change and social movements, these theories are largely silent on the microdynamics of ally mobilization. We examine how the labeling of organizational
Mohamed Mousa, Rami Ayoubi, Hiba Massoud
Gender, workplace fun and organisational inclusion: an empirical study
Purpose – This paper addresses nurses working in public hospitals in order to find out how gender may affect their perception of both diversity management and organisational inclusion. Moreover, and given the novelty of workplace fun and the lack of research in this field in the context of developing countries, the authors explore the relationship between diversity management and organisational
published by Human Resource Management International Digest
Stereotypes, stigma and support: Positive and negative experiences of gender diversity in the workplace
Stigma and discrimination in the workplace can take place against several different disadvantaged social groups. Predominantly it is found against women and racial groups. However, it can also take place against age, religion, disability and sexuality. One social group which has been little studied is Gender Diverse Individuals (GDIs). GDIs are individuals whose identity does not match their biological and
Katalin Tardos, Veronika Paksi
What do equality plans reveal about workplace equality and diversity in higher education and research performing organisations? : a content analysis approach
In the last two decades implementing Equality/Equal Opportunities/Diversity and Inclusion Plans have been becoming more and more widespread across both private and public organisations (Konrad–Linnehan 1995; Edwin 2001; Kalev–Kelly–Dobbin 2006; Coast 2013; Ali–Konrad 2017). Moreover, as a consequence of internationalisation, globalisation, and growing pressures for excellence, higher education institutions and research performing organisations (RPOs) had to tackle the challenges of
Pankaj C. Patel and Cong Feng
LGBT Workplace Equality Policy and Customer Satisfaction: The Roles of Marketing Capability and Demand Instability
A lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender workplace equality policy (LGBT-WEP) helps signal and reinforce the organizational commitment to workplace equality and diversity. Prior evidence suggests that LGBT-WEP is viewed favorably by stakeholders (customers, employees, and channel partners) and influences firm performance. Drawing on stakeholder theory and the resource-based view of the firm, the authors examine whether LGBT-WEP influences customer satisfaction
Schenita Floyd
Assessing African American Women Engineers’ Workplace Sentiment within the AI Field
Artificial intelligence (AI) has infiltrated every industry and every aspect of our society. Business leaders have seen the shift AI has created and they are reacting swiftly to stay competitive. They are investing heavily in AI and hiring engineers and other technical professionals to capitalize on AI-based innovations. Engineers are problem solvers, innovators, and at the forefront of AI technologies;
Joan Marques
Exploring Gender at Work: Multiple Perspectives
This collective volume was created through a wonderful collaboration of 39 authors, representing five global continents and a wide range of academic and practical disciplines. It reviews gender from the standpoints of inequality in multiple regards, such as through discrimination, stereotyping, maintaining prejudice through oftentimes longstanding, unconscious biases, industry influences, but also based on cultural, religious, political, and other boundaries.
Eddy S. Ng, Greg J. Sears, Kara A. Arnold
Exploring the influence of CEO and chief diversity officers’ relational demography on organizational diversity management: An identity-based perspective
Purpose – Drawing on the relational demography literature and a social identity perspective, several research propositions in which the authors postulate that demographic characteristics (e.g. gender and race) of senior leaders will influence the implementation and effectiveness of diversity management practices were presented. Specifically, the authors focus on the Chief Executive Officer/Chief Diversity Officer (CEO/CDO) dyad and explore independent and
Grace E. Kennedy, BS, Shelby L. Bergstresser, MD, Stephanie L. Rakestraw, MD, Zdenek Novak, MD, PhD, Britney Corey, MD, Herbert Chen, MD, and Danielle C. Sutzko, MD, MS
Does Chair of Surgery Gender Influence Divisional or Residency Program Director Gender Diversity?
Background: Workplace diversity is beneficial and results in new ideas and improved performance. Within surgery leadership, the gender gap is improving, but still present. Given the increasing number of women surgery department chairs, we aimed to examine the association of surgery chair gender with division and residency program director gender. We hypothesized that surgery departments with female leadership would have