Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Kendra Lowery
Beyond Representation: African American Administrators’ Experiences as Reflections of Workforce Diversity Perspectives
ABSTRACT The recollections of sixteen African American administrators who were some of the first hired in de/segregated school districts in the North are analyzed in order to understand their work lives and experiences in district processes. Findings are analyzed through the lens of workforce diversity perspectives. Five themes emerged from the data regarding race, African American administrators’ roles and experiences.
Pallab Kumar Biswas, Helen Roberts, Kevin Stainback
Does women’s board representation affect non-managerial gender inequality?
Research examining gender and corporate boards has explored how women’s representation impacts firm strategy and policy, particularly around corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues related to communities and other relevant stakeholders, the environment, and diversity and equity initiatives. However, fewer studies have examined how women’s representation on boards affects gender inequality in firms. The studies that have been conducted generally focus
Koen van den Oever, Bart Beerens
Does task-related conflict mediate the board gender diversityeorganizational performance relationship?
The board gender diversityeorganizational performance relationship has been criticized for the absence of tests of the underlying mechanisms of this relationship. This study aims to empirically investigate whether task-related conflict e one of the prime theorized mechanisms of board diversity e indeed mediates this relationship. Consistent with the literature, we theorize how board gender diversity affects task-related conflict, and how
Joshua Hollands
Work and Sexuality in the Sunbelt: Homophobic Workplace Discrimination in the U.S. South and Southwest, 1970 to the Present
In 2016, PayPal, a multinational financial services company canceled an expansion into North Carolina worth millions of dollars and with hundreds of jobs. The cancellation was in response to the state legislature’s passage of a transphobic law. The Public and Facilities Privacy and Security Act restricted transgender and nonbinary individuals from using public restrooms consistent with their gender identity. The
Mohammad Qasim, Abdul Qahar, Raza Ullah
Organizational and Demographic Level Diversity Practices and Employees Performance
Purpose – The study’s primary objective was to investigate the relationship between organizational level diversity practices, demographic level diversity practices, and employees` performance at selected higher educational institutions in Kabul, Afghanistan. Findings – The findings support a positive relationship between variables; furthermore, the study revealed high contributive implications in both academic and non – academic arena. Moreover, the research suggests,
Anne Keizer-Remmers, Vasilena Ivanova & Anja Brandsma-Dieters
To act or not to act: Cultural hesitation in the multicultural hospitality workplace
This article aims to describe the behaviour, feelings and emotions of hospitality professionals regarding the phenomenon of handelingsverlegenheid (which we translate as “awkwardness to act”) in intercultural professional settings. The overall purpose of this study is to understand how middle management employees of the rooms division department of a small-scale commercial learning hotel in Leeuwarden in the Netherlands lead their
Kahn, J. M., Gray, D. M., Oliveri, J. M., Washington, C. M., DeGraffinreid, C. R., & Paskett, E. D.
Strategies to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical trials
There is a growing need for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in cancer care. One area requiring immediate attention and solutions is equal access and accrual to clinical trials. Increasing DEI in clinical trials is identified as a high-priority area by both the Institute of Medicine1 and the National Cancer Institute (NCI); however, persistent underenrollment of Black, Indigenous, and People
Hongxia Shan, Amy Cheng, Nasim Peikazadi, Yeonjoo Kim
Fostering diversity work as a process of lifelong learning: A partnership case study with an immigrant services organisation
Diversity work is an area of growing interest for organisations in both the private and public sectors. In a nutshell, the term refers to the work conducted within an organisation that promotes inclusive and equitable engagement with people and communities across social differences such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and religion. Related research has generated relatively more knowledge about the
Alicia Jean King , Tracy Lee Fortune, Louise Byrne and Lisa Mary Brophy
Supporting the Sharing of Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace: Findings from Comparative Case Study Research at Two Mental Health Services
Personal experience with mental health (MH) challenges has been characterized as a concealable stigma. Identity management literature suggests actively concealing a stigma may negatively impact wellbeing. Reviews of workplace identity management literature have linked safety in revealing a stigma to individual performance, well-being, engagement and teamwork. However, no research to date has articulated the factors that make sharing MH challenges
Maura Kelly & JaDee Carathers & Tristen Kade
Beyond Tolerance: Policies, Practices, and Ideologies of Queer-Friendly Workplaces
Introduction In the United States, workplace protections for queer and trans workers have expanded; however, previous research has indicated that policy change alone is not sufficient to create supportive workplace cultures. The inequality regimes theoretical framework suggests examining policies, practices, and ideologies to understand inequality in work organizations. Methods Drawing upon 75 qualitative interviews with queer and trans workers in