Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Kathomi Gatwiri, Darlene Rotumah and Elizabeth Rix
BlackLivesMatter in Healthcare: Racism and Implications for Health Inequity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia
Despite decades of evidence showing that institutional and interpersonal racism serve as significant barriers to accessible healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, attempts to address this systemic problem still fall short. The social determinants of health are particularly poignant given the socio-political-economic history of invasion, colonisation, and subsequent entrenchment of racialised practices in the Australian healthcare landscape. Embedded
Kim A. Young, Shahidul Hassan & Deneen M. Hatmaker
Towards understanding workplace incivility: gender, ethical leadership and personal control
Few public management studies have examined the prevalence of workplace incivility and ways to reduce uncivil behaviour towards women and minority groups. The present research examines the influence of employee gender, personal control, and ethical leadership on workplace incivility experiences in public workplaces using data collected from government and non-profit employees in Pakistan. We find that women are more likely
Jarrod Combs-Harris CPA
An Inclusive Leadership Model to Integrate Organizational Dynamics, Change Management, Change Leadership, and Diversity and Inclusion Needs for the Successful Implementation of Business Transformations
This paper explores Change Management and Change Leadership theories in-depth, along with an analysis of how Diversity and Inclusion drivers play a significant role in how businesses can sustain successful transformations. In the past, experts focused on how change initiatives can help transform businesses on a macro level, regardless of employee factors. In most recent times, the world has evolved
Murray, Teri A. ; Loyd, Vanessa
Advancing Racial Justice and Diversity Through Equity and Inclusion
What better time than now for academic nursing to look critically and intentionally at how the profession addresses racism? The National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2021) announced a call for immediate action earlier this year. The Commission’s focus is to explore racism within nursing, and the impact racism has on individuals, communities, and health
Yoko E. Fukumura , Julie McLaughlin Gray, Gale M. Lucas, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, and Shawn C. Roll
Worker Perspectives on Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Office Workspaces: Implications for the Future of Office Work
Workplace environments have a significant impact on worker performance, health, and well-being. With machine learning capabilities, artificial intelligence (AI) can be developed to automate individualized adjustments to work environments (e.g., lighting, temperature) and to facilitate healthier worker behaviors (e.g., posture). Worker perspectives on incorporating AI into office workspaces are largely unexplored. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore
Karsten Jonsen, Sébastien Point, Elisabeth K. Kelan & Adrian Grieble
Diversity and inclusion branding: a five-country comparison of corporate websites
In their quest to attract talent and appear as an employer of choice, organizations must articulate the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive workforce. By communicating the attractiveness of the workplace, a company increases its exposure to the environment as an employer of choice. Within the context of employer branding, we highlight two emerging concepts that encompass corporate communication
Stephanie N. E. Meeuwissen, Wim H. Gijselaers, Tiemen D. van Oorschot, Ineke H. A. P. Wolfhagen & Mirjam G. A. oude Egbrink
Enhancing Team Learning through Leader Inclusiveness: A One-Year Ethnographic Case Study of an Interdisciplinary Teacher Team
Phenomenon: Developing modern medical curricula requires collaboration between different scientific and clinical disciplines. Consequently, institutions face the daunting task to engage colleagues from different disciplines in effective team collaboration. Two aspects that are vital to the success of such teamwork are “team learning behavior” by all team members and “leader inclusiveness behavior” by the team leader. Team members display team
Sally Baker, Clemence Due & Megan Rose
Transitions from education to employment for culturally and linguistically diverse migrants and refugees in settlement contexts: what do we know?
Access to and experiences of education among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Migrants or Refugees (CALDM/R) is a site of increased scholarly interest. While research emphasises new CALDM/Rs’ desire to work and meaningfully contribute to their new country, many remain under employed even though many hold multiple tertiary qualifications. This article offers an interpretive review of literature relating to the higher
Andrew E. Clark , Conchita D’Ambrosio , Rong Zhu
Job quality and workplace gender diversity in Europe
We here consider the relationship between workplace gender measures and employees’ perceived job quality, where the former cover both the gender mix of workers with the same job title and the gender of the immediate boss. Data from the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey show that men’s job evaluation is higher in gender-balanced job positions at the workplace, while that
Exploring factors contributing to young workers’ vulnerability to work-related harm
New Zealand has experienced significant increases in youth employment rates in the last 20 years with 40 per cent of people employed part-time. This age group has been associated with the second-highest rate of injury claims. At the current time, there is limited information on why young workers in New Zealand are more vulnerable to work-related harm. This project aimed