Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

María del Carmen Triana, Mevan Jayasinghe, Jenna R. Pieper, Dora María Delgado, and Mingxiang Li
Perceived Workplace Gender Discrimination and Employee Consequences: A Meta-Analysis and Complementary Studies Considering Country Context
We draw on relative deprivation theory to examine how the context influences the relationship between employees’ perceptions of gender discrimination and outcomes at work using a metaanalysis and two complementary empirical studies. Our meta-analysis includes 85 correlations from published and unpublished studies from around the world to assess correlates of perceived workplace gender discrimination that have significant implications for employees.
Sofia Elwer, Lisa Harryson, Malin Bolin, Anne Hammarstrom
Patterns of Gender Equality at Workplaces and Psychological Distress
Research in the field of occupational health often uses a risk factor approach which has been criticized by feminist researchers for not considering the combination of many different variables that are at play simultaneously. To overcome this shortcoming this study aims to identify patterns of gender equality at workplaces and to investigate how these patterns are associated with psychological distress.
Junghyun Lee
Passive leadership and sexual harassment: Roles of observed hostility and workplace gender ratio
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine whether observed hostility mediates the link between passive leadership and sexual harassment. The study also investigates how workplace gender ratio might moderate this mediated relationship. Design/methodology/approach – This study used online survey data by recruiting full-time working employees in various US organisations and industries. Findings – Results suggest that when
Cristin A. Compton & Debbie S. Dougherty
Organizing Sexuality: Silencing and the Push–Pull Process of Co-sexuality in the Workplace
How human beings think about, talk about, and organize around sexuality is changing. Growing social legitimization for sexual minority relationships and a more fluid social understanding of sexual identities has shifted how we bound “normal” sexuality. In the workplace, these shifting norms affect employees of all sexual identities who must make sense of new policies and complex daily practices. This
David Lee, Morgen Johansen,and Kwang Bin Bae
Organizational Justice and the Inclusion of LGBT Federal Employees: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis Using Coarsened Exact Matching
Inclusiveness occurs when employees are considered a part of critical organizational processes, which means that they have access to information (including information that may be passed around through informal networks), a connectedness to coworkers, and the ability to participate in and influence the decision-making process. With an organizational justice framework, this study examines the level of inclusion federal lesbian, gay,
Mohammad Qasim, Abdul Qahar, Raza Ullah
Organizational and Demographic Level Diversity Practices and Employees Performance
Purpose – The study’s primary objective was to investigate the relationship between organizational level diversity practices, demographic level diversity practices, and employees` performance at selected higher educational institutions in Kabul, Afghanistan. Findings – The findings support a positive relationship between variables; furthermore, the study revealed high contributive implications in both academic and non – academic arena. Moreover, the research suggests,
Susanne Bruckmüller1 and Maike Braun
One Group’s Advantage or Another Group’s Disadvantage? How Comparative Framing Shapes Explanations of, and Reactions to, Workplace Gender Inequality
Gender inequality is usually described as women’s disadvantage, only rarely as men’s advantage. Moreover, it is often illustrated by metaphors such as the glass ceiling—an invisible barrier to women’s career advancement—metaphors that often also focus on women’s disadvantage. Two studies (N = 228; N = 495) examined effects of these different ways of framing gender inequality. Participants read about gender
Eline Jammaers
On ableism and anthropocentrism: A canine perspective on the workplace inclusion of disabled people
Despite growing attention for how disabled people become Othered in organizational settings and similar scholarly interest in the treatment of non-humans at work, no analysis so far has focused on the potential double marginalization that takes place when disabled people go to work with their service animal. In filling this void, this study draws attention to the embodied entanglement of
Romana Pasca • Shannon L. Wagner
Occupational Stress in the Multicultural Workplace
Occupational stress is a well researched topic leading to the development of strong, viable models of workplace stress. However, there is a gap in the literature with respect to the applicability of this research to specific cultural groups, in particular those of immigrant status. The present paper reviews the extant literature regarding occupational stress from a multicultural perspective, evaluates the
Emmanuelle Walkowiak
Neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation: The case of inclusion of autistic workers at the workplace
This paper analyses the productive complementarities between the digital transformation, the skills of autistic workers and neurodiversity management. Based on a qualitative approach and interviews with leaders or experts of neurodiversity initiatives, we provide a theoretical framework to analyse the links between the neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation at the individual, organisational and industry levels. We identify several