2022 / Francisco Perales, Christine Ablaza, and Nicki Elkin

Exposure to Inclusive Language and Well-Being at Work Among Transgender Employees in Australia, 2020

Objectives. To provide empirical evidence of the positive effects of exposure to inclusive language on trans employees’ well-being.
Methods. We leveraged unique data from a large Australian national survey of workplace diversity and inclusion (2020 Australian Workplace Equality Index Employee Survey), focusing on a subset of trans respondents (n5453). We derived self-reported and aggregate-level measures of exposure to transinclusive language and created a multidimensional index of employee well-being. We examined their relationships using fully adjusted random-intercept multilevel regression models.
Results. We found strong, positive, and statistically significant associations between different indicators of exposure to inclusive language at work and trans employees’ well-being. These relationships were large in magnitude and emerged in the presence of an encompassing set of sociodemographic and workplace controls, including other markers of workplace diversity and inclusion (e.g., victimization experiences and identity disclosure).
Conclusions. Our results provide robust evidence indicating that efforts to foster inclusive language at work can yield substantial, positive effects on trans people’s feelings of belonging and inclusion, thereby contributing to their overall socioeconomic integration. (Am J Public Health. 2022;112(3):482–490. https:// doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306602)

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