2019 / Fidelindo Lim, DNP, CCRN; Paul Andrew Jones, MS, AGPCNP-BC, RN-BC; and Medel Paguirigan, EdD, RN

A guide to fostering an LGBTQ-inclusive workplace

In April 2018, the American Nurses Association released a position statement on nursing advocacy for LGBTQ+ populations. The “Q” stands for queer or questioning and the “+” indicates inclusivity of other sexual and gender minorities not spelled out within the LGBTQ acronym.1 Key nursing organizations, such as the American Academy of Nursing (AAN), International Society of Psychiatric- Mental Health Nurses, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, National Association of School Nurses, and National Student Nurses’ Association, among others, have issued position statements in support of LGBTQ rights. Although the ongoing discourse on LGBTQ health is centered on improving patient outcomes, there’s little attention given to exploring the experiences of LGBTQ nurses and other healthcare professionals.

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