Academic Papers
Empowering inclusion with insightful research.
Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!
We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.
Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.
We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!
Kaur, Amandeep
Spotify your hiring experience with AI technology
Amandeep Kaur, Founder & CEO, Phoenix TalentX Branding, The digital age has caused immense upheaval in the world of work –remote work, global workforces, diversity in talent, mobile-first, personalised experiences, and wellness apps are not exceptions anymore, but norms. Talent today expects HR processes to be digital and hiring to be agile and personalised. AI and machine learning technologies can
Bonnie Dowling, Drew Goldstein, Michael Park, and Holly Price
Hybrid work: Making it fit with your diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy
After the Great Resignation comes the Great Renegotiation. Over the past two years, millions of people and organizations around the world were forced into hybrid virtual work, many for the first time. Survey after survey has shown that employers eagerly hope their employees will return to the office as soon as possible. Employees? Not so much, for reasons including health,
Jojanneke van der Toorn ; Gaitho, Waruguru
LGBTIQ+ workplace inclusion: A global issue requiring a transdisciplinary and intersectional approach
Scholarly interest in the workplace experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ+) employees has increased over the past decades (Velez, Adames, Lei, & Kerman, 2021; Byington, Tamm, & Trau, 2021). The research demonstrates the particular challenges that LGBTIQ+ individuals face, both in terms of access to work (e.g. gaining employment) and in terms of employees’ opportunities to
Jeffrey A. Flory, Andreas Leibbrandt, Christina Rott, Olga Stoddard
Increasing Workplace Diversity Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company
While many firms have set ambitious goals to increase diversity in their ranks, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on effective ways to reach them. We use a natural field experiment to test several hypotheses on effective means to attract minority candidates for top professional careers. By randomly varying the content in recruiting materials of a major financial services
Emmanuelle Walkowiak
Neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation: The case of inclusion of autistic workers at the workplace
This paper analyses the productive complementarities between the digital transformation, the skills of autistic workers and neurodiversity management. Based on a qualitative approach and interviews with leaders or experts of neurodiversity initiatives, we provide a theoretical framework to analyse the links between the neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation at the individual, organisational and industry levels. We identify several
Kendra Lowery
Beyond Representation: African American Administrators’ Experiences as Reflections of Workforce Diversity Perspectives
ABSTRACT The recollections of sixteen African American administrators who were some of the first hired in de/segregated school districts in the North are analyzed in order to understand their work lives and experiences in district processes. Findings are analyzed through the lens of workforce diversity perspectives. Five themes emerged from the data regarding race, African American administrators’ roles and experiences.
Jane Coffey, Farveh Farivar & Roslyn Cameron
The Job Seeking Experiences of International Graduates in the Host Country: Australia’s Lost Opportunity?
This paper examines the job seeking experiences of international graduates in attempting to obtain meaningful work in their university education host country. Qualitative feedback on the specific job seeking barriers and experiences in the host country after graduating were provided by 696 respondents. The findings suggest that the specific barriers to finding employment were their visa status, lack of work
Sally Baker, Clemence Due & Megan Rose
Transitions from education to employment for culturally and linguistically diverse migrants and refugees in settlement contexts: what do we know?
Access to and experiences of education among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Migrants or Refugees (CALDM/R) is a site of increased scholarly interest. While research emphasises new CALDM/Rs’ desire to work and meaningfully contribute to their new country, many remain under employed even though many hold multiple tertiary qualifications. This article offers an interpretive review of literature relating to the higher
Emmanuelle Walkowiak
Neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation: The case of inclusion of autistic workers at the workplace
This paper analyses the productive complementarities between the digital transformation, the skills of autistic workers and neurodiversity management. Based on a qualitative approach and interviews with leaders or experts of neurodiversity initiatives, we provide a theoretical framework to analyse the links between the neurodiversity of the workforce and digital transformation at the individual, organisational and industry levels. We identify several
Meraiah Foley and Rae Cooper
Workplace gender equality in the post-pandemic era: Where to next?
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and accelerated many gendered labour market inequalities in Australia and around the world. In this introduction to our special issue, ‘Workplace Gender Equality: Where are we now and where to next?’, we examine the impact of the pandemic on women’s employment, labour force participation, earnings, unpaid care work and experience of gendered violence. We identify five