Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Yolande Strengers, Lizhen Qu, Qiongkai Xu, Jarrod Knibbe
Adhering, Steering, and Queering: Treatment of Gender in Natural Language Generation
Natural Language Generation (NLG) supports the creation of personalized, contextualized, and targeted content. However, the algorithms underpinning NLG have come under scrutiny for reinforcing gender, racial, and other problematic biases. Recent research in NLG seeks to remove these biases through principles of fairness and privacy. Drawing on gender and queer theories from sociology and Science and Technology studies, we consider
Leigh S. Wilton, Ariana N. Bell, Mariam Vahradyan, and Cheryl R. Kaiser
Show Don’t Tell: Diversity Dishonesty Harms Racial/Ethnic Minorities at Work
Organizations aim to convey that they are diverse and inclusive, in part, to recruit racial minorities. We investigate a previously unexamined downside of this recruitment strategy: diversity dishonesty, that is, belief that an organization is falsely or incorrectly inflating its actual diversity. In four studies (total N = 871), we found that diversity dishonesty heightened minorities’ concerns about fitting in,
Vanessa Grubbs
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion That Matter
My pending exodus from academic medicine after 15 years is prompted by my belief that the institutional and systemic racism so obvious to me would never be fully acknowledged, much less addressed. This belief was formed after several experiences that left me — a Black woman — feeling stifled, unheard, unvalidated, unsupported, and concerned for my health.1 Too often, academic
Cevat Giray Aksoya , Christopher S. Carpenter, , Jeff Frankc , Matt L. Huffman
Gay glass ceilings: Sexual orientation and workplace authority in the UK
A burgeoning literature has examined earnings inequalities associated with a minority sexal orientation, but far less is known about sexual orientation-based differences in access to workplace authority –in contrast to well-documented gender and race-specific differences. We provide the first large-scale evidence on this question using confidential data from the 2009–2014 UK Integrated Household Surveys (IHS) ( N = 607,709). We
Tran Nguyen
“Working Together with Difference” in an Australian Multicultural Workplace
Culturally diverse workplaces are becoming commonplace. Amidst growing concerns about workplace racism and discrimination in multicultural societies like Australia, how positive relationships across difference at work are built has not been clearly understood. This article contributes to this discussion by exploring the development of cross-cultural conviviality in the Australian welfare workplace. Findings are based on thirty qualitative interviews with frontline
John Mason and Jane Southcott
A Bit of Ripping and Tearing: An Interpretative Study of Indigenous Engagement Officers’ Perceptions Regarding Their Community and Workplace Roles
The Australian Government (AG) employs Indigenous Engagement Officers (IEO) in many of the remote Aboriginal communities of the Northern Territory (NT). IEOs are respected community members who apply their deep understanding of local tradition, language and politics in providing expert cultural advice to government. Competing priorities of workplace and cultural obligation make the IEO role stressful and dichotomous in nature.
Jeromy Anglim , Victor Sojo , Linda J. Ashford , Alexander Newman, Andrew Marty
Predicting employee attitudes to workplace diversity from personality, values, and cognitive ability
Workplace diversity has become an increasingly important topic for both organizational researchers and practitioners (for reviews, see Ashkanasy, Härtel, & Daus, 2002; Guillaume, Dawson, Woods, Sacramento, & West, 2013; Harrison & Klein, 2007; Jonsen, Maznevski, & Schneider, 2011). Female workforce participation continues to increase, and in many countries, the workforce is becoming more diverse across a range of dimensions including
Alison Daly , Renee N. Carey , Ellie Darcey, HuiJun Chih , Anthony D. LaMontagne , Allison Milner and Alison Reid
Using Three Cross-Sectional Surveys to Compare Workplace Psychosocial Stressors and Associated Mental Health Status in Six Migrant Groups Working in Australia Compared with Australian-Born Workers
Migrant workers may be more likely to be exposed to workplace psychosocial stressors (WPS) which have an affect on physical and mental health. Given the relative lack of research on this topic, the study objectives were to estimate and compare the prevalence of WPS in migrant and Australian workers and investigate associated mental health problems. Three cross-sectional surveys, two with
Hongseok Lee
Does Increasing Racial Minority Representation Contribute to Overall Organizational Performance? The Role of Organizational Mission and Diversity Climate
One underexplored question in the representative bureaucracy literature is whether public employees advocate for their demographic groups at the expense of other groups or their organizational roles. Many studies have focused on the link between passive representation, or the extent to which the public workforce reflects the demographic characteristics of its clients, and active representation, or the extent to which
Matthew Hall · John Iceland · Youngmin Yi
Racial Separation at Home and Work: Segregation in Residential and Workplace Settings
Racial segregation has long characterized urban life in the U.S., with research consistently showing that minority groups occupy different social spaces than whites. While past scholarship has focused largely on residential contexts, a considerable portion of individuals’ days is spent outside of the home and existing research misses the potential for cross-group contact in non-residential contexts. In this paper, we