Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Kelly L. Reddy-Best
LGBTQ Women, Appearance Negotiations, and Workplace Dress Codes
The purpose of this study was to explore LGBTQ women’s experiences with unwritten or formal dress codes at work. I asked: What are LGBTQ women’s experiences in the workplace with appearance management, and what are LGBTQ women’s experiences navigating the written and unwritten dress codes in the workplace? To answer the research question, interviews were conducted with 24 self-identifying LGBTQ
Jaigris Hodson, Samantha Jackson, Wendy Cukier, Mark Holmes
Between the corporation and the closet: Ethically researching LGBTQ+ identities in the workplace
Purpose – This paper engages the ecological model as a conceptual tool to examine the ethics of conducting research on LGBTQ+ individuals in the workplace. In particular, it focuses on outness and the act of outing in research. Design/methodology/approach – Established methodologies for studying LGBTQ+ persons in the workplace are examined using a critical outness lens. The ecological model is
Melanie M. Henderson, Kyle A. Simon
The Relationship Between Sexuality–Professional Identity Integration and Leadership in the Workplace
How do members of minority groups navigate identity in the workplace—such as being both a sexual minority and a working professional? This article extends research on identity integration (II)—perceptions of multiple social identities as compatible versus conflicting—to examine the intersection of personal identity (sexual minority) and professional identity, and the effects of II on how people influence others. The current
Matthew Egan
LGBTI staff, and diversity within the Australian accounting profession
Purpose – Large accounting firms lay claim today to a broad focus on staff diversity and inclusion. Related initiatives focus on gender, culture, age and sexuality. This paper aims to seek insight from publicly available discourse provided by the “Big 4” in Australia (Deloitte, Ernst and Young, KPMG and PwC), along with two second-tier firms, into the nature and drivers
Vincenza Priola, Diego Lasio, Francesco Serri, and Silvia De Simone
The organisation of sexuality and the sexuality of organisation: A genealogical analysis of sexual ‘inclusive exclusion’ at work
This article problematises sexual inclusion in the workplace by theorising the social and historical processes that underpin heteronormativity in organisations. Drawing on a genealogical analysis of sexuality and inclusion in four Italian social firms that support the work and social integration of disadvantaged individuals, the article provides an in-depth analysis of the historical conditions affecting the management of sexualities in
Katina Sawyer, Christian Thoroughgood
Gender non-conformity and the modern workplace: New frontiers in understanding and promoting gender identity expression at work
“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves.” –—Steve Maraboli, Ph.D. As the opening quote suggests, when employees can authentically express themselves at work, they tend to be happier and healthier. In today’s modern workplace, HR man- agers are having to increasingly address the many complex issues surrounding gender identity and expression. With the public gender transitions
Sara J. Baker, Kristen Lucas
Is it safe to bring myself to work? Understanding LGBTQ experiences of workplace dignity
Despite increased efforts by more organizations to be seen as “gay-friendly,” workplaces remain challenging sites for LGBTQ employees to navigate. We examine the ways in which LGBTQ employees experience dignity threats in the workplace and the protection strategies they use to deflect those threats. Interviews with 36 LGBTQ working adults revealed that their dignity is threatened by a range of
Cristin A. Compton & Debbie S. Dougherty
Organizing Sexuality: Silencing and the Push–Pull Process of Co-sexuality in the Workplace
How human beings think about, talk about, and organize around sexuality is changing. Growing social legitimization for sexual minority relationships and a more fluid social understanding of sexual identities has shifted how we bound “normal” sexuality. In the workplace, these shifting norms affect employees of all sexual identities who must make sense of new policies and complex daily practices. This
Anouk Lloren & Lorena Parini
How LGBT-Supportive Workplace Policies Shape the Experience of Lesbian, Gay Men, and Bisexual Employees
Support for lesbians’, gay men’s, bisexuals’, and transgender people’s (LGBT) rights has increased over the last two decades. However, these recent trends hide existing disparities between and within countries. In particular, workplace discrimination is still a relatively widespread phenomenon. Although many countries lack legal provision protecting LGBT employees, numerous organizations have adopted LGBT-supportive policies over the last two decades. Many
Alison Cook and Christy Glass
Do women advance equity? The effect of gender leadership composition on LGBT-friendly policies in American firms
We advance the literature on the demographic factors that shape organizational outcomes by analyzing the impact of the gender composition of firm leadership on the likelihood that a firm will adopt lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)-friendly policies. Drawing on social role and token theory, we test the relative impact of CEO gender and the gender composition of the board