Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Ramirez, Elda G
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Is It Just Another Catchphrase?
Writing about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and not reiterating the same slogans about health care disparities, implicit bias, White privilege, or “Black Lives Matter,” over and over is painfully difficult. Before I was tasked with writing this piece, I had been educating myself for years on the issues that revolved around DEI. I immersed myself in topics such as
Kendra Lowery
Beyond Representation: African American Administrators’ Experiences as Reflections of Workforce Diversity Perspectives
ABSTRACT The recollections of sixteen African American administrators who were some of the first hired in de/segregated school districts in the North are analyzed in order to understand their work lives and experiences in district processes. Findings are analyzed through the lens of workforce diversity perspectives. Five themes emerged from the data regarding race, African American administrators’ roles and experiences.
Higgins, Robert S. D.
Reflections on Diversity and Inclusion: Déjà vu All Over Again
De´ja` vu is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before. . . As we reflect on the past, present, and future, it feels like we have seen this before. Despite significant career and professional growth as an underrepresented academic surgeon, I am actually quite amazed to find myself in this place at this time in these
Darryl B. Rice & Nicole C. J. Young & Sharon Sheridan
Improving employee emotional and behavioral investments through the trickle-down effect of organizational inclusiveness and the role of moral supervisors
Over two (i.e., a 2 × 2 experiment and a multi-source field study) studies, we propose and demonstrate how employees increase their emotional (i.e., affective commitment) and behavioral (i.e., citizenship behavior) investments in the workplace as a valuable outcome of the trickle-down effect of organizational inclusiveness. We also explain how supervisory moral identity impacts the trickle-down effect. Notably, the research
Kahn, J. M., Gray, D. M., Oliveri, J. M., Washington, C. M., DeGraffinreid, C. R., & Paskett, E. D.
Strategies to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical trials
There is a growing need for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in cancer care. One area requiring immediate attention and solutions is equal access and accrual to clinical trials. Increasing DEI in clinical trials is identified as a high-priority area by both the Institute of Medicine1 and the National Cancer Institute (NCI); however, persistent underenrollment of Black, Indigenous, and People
Shalini Garg and Snehlata Sangwan
Literature Review on Diversity and Inclusion at Workplace, 2010–2017
Purpose: The article highlights various studies conducted in the field of diversity and inclusion at workplace. This helps us to understand the evolution of diversity and inclusion and identify future research gaps. Methodology: The article employs a citation analysis technique to analyse the citation index of journals and authors based on the data collected from various databases such as Social
Kathleen Markey | Mirko Prosen | Emer Martin | Hanna Repo Jamal
Fostering an ethos of cultural humility development in nurturing inclusiveness and effective intercultural team working
Aim: To discuss the importance of fostering an ethos of cultural humility development in cultivating inclusiveness and effective intercultural team working. Background: Widening cultural and ethnic diversity of the health care workforce enriches the working environment and encourages a broader perspective on health care services and delivery. However, the intricacies of learning to work effectively within intercultural health care teams
"I. Direto, Shannon Chance, L. Clemmensen, S. Craps, S.B. Economides, S.R. Isaac, A.M. Jolly, F.R. Truscott, and N. Wint"
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education: an exploration of European higher education institutions’ strategic frameworks, resources, and initiatives
Significant efforts have been made to promote gender equality in higher education (HE) in Europe. Examples include the establishment of the Athena Swan Charter in the UK in 2005 and the 2019 launch of the Irène Curie Fellowship scheme by Eindhoven University of Technology. But which initiatives address broader diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) challenges in HE? And which are
Mohamed Mousa
Does Gender Diversity Affect Workplace Happiness for Academics? The Role of Diversity Management and Organizational Inclusion
The author investigated the relationship between gender diversity and organizational inclusion and moved forward to examine whether gender diversity, diversity management and organizational inclusion predict workplace happiness by collecting 320 questionnaires from academics in three public universities in Egypt. A t-test was used to identify how gender may affect perceptions of diversity management and organizational inclusion. Hierarchical regressions were applied
Elena P. Antonacopoulou | Andri Georgiadou
Leading through social distancing: The future of work, corporations and leadership from home
At this critical juncture when the COVID-19 health crisis has disrupted our ways of living, working and relating to each other, we are perforce to explore and co-create the Future we want to be part of. Drawing upon feminist theory, we introduce the notion of ‘inclusiveness’ as a fresh conceptualization of the impact of meaning rendering from working, almost irrespective