Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Sophie L. Kuchynka, Jennifer K. Bosson, Joseph A. Vandello, and Curtis Puryear
Zero-Sum Thinking and the Masculinity Contest: Perceived Intergroup Competition and Workplace Gender Bias
Gender-based zero-sum thinking reflects beliefs that women’s status gains correspond directly with men’s status losses. These beliefs may help explain people’s resistance to gender equity. Here, two studies examined the association between men’s zero-sum thinking and workplace gender biases. In Study 1, men (N = 235) employed in workplaces with stronger masculinity contest norms reported observing stronger bias against women
Aneeta Rattan, Carol S. Dweck
What Happens After Prejudice Is Confronted in the Workplace? How Mindsets Affect Minorities’ and Women’s Outlook on Future Social Relations
Organizations are increasingly concerned with fostering successful diversity. Toward this end, diversity research has focused on trying to reduce prejudice and biased behavior. But what happens when prejudice in the workplace inevitably occurs? Research also needs to focus on whether recovery and repair of social relations after expressions of prejudice are possible. To begin investigating this question, we develop a
Kelly L. Reddy-Best
LGBTQ Women, Appearance Negotiations, and Workplace Dress Codes
The purpose of this study was to explore LGBTQ women’s experiences with unwritten or formal dress codes at work. I asked: What are LGBTQ women’s experiences in the workplace with appearance management, and what are LGBTQ women’s experiences navigating the written and unwritten dress codes in the workplace? To answer the research question, interviews were conducted with 24 self-identifying LGBTQ
Takao Kato and Naomi Kodama
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Gender Diversity in the Workplace: Econometric Evidence from Japan
Using panel data on corporate social responsibility (CSR) matched with corporate proxy statement data for a large and representative sample of 1,492 publicly traded firms in Japan over 2006–2014, we provide fixed effect estimates on the positive and significant effects on gender diversity of CSR. Such effects are, however, felt only after two to three years. The CSR effects are
Melanie M. Henderson, Kyle A. Simon
The Relationship Between Sexuality–Professional Identity Integration and Leadership in the Workplace
How do members of minority groups navigate identity in the workplace—such as being both a sexual minority and a working professional? This article extends research on identity integration (II)—perceptions of multiple social identities as compatible versus conflicting—to examine the intersection of personal identity (sexual minority) and professional identity, and the effects of II on how people influence others. The current
Matthew Egan
LGBTI staff, and diversity within the Australian accounting profession
Purpose – Large accounting firms lay claim today to a broad focus on staff diversity and inclusion. Related initiatives focus on gender, culture, age and sexuality. This paper aims to seek insight from publicly available discourse provided by the “Big 4” in Australia (Deloitte, Ernst and Young, KPMG and PwC), along with two second-tier firms, into the nature and drivers
Renzo J. Barrantes & Asia A. Eaton
Sexual Orientation and Leadership Suitability: How Being a Gay Man Affects Perceptions of Fit in Gender-Stereotyped Positions
The current set of studies examines perceptions of gay men’s fitness for leadership positions in the workplace. In two betweensubjects experiments we examined the effect of a male employee’s sexuality on perceptions of his suitability for stereotypically feminine, masculine, and gender-neutral managerial positions, as well as potential mediators (perceptions of target agency and communion) and moderators (target out status) of
Gurwinder Kaur Gill, Mary Jane McNally, Vin Berman
Effective diversity, equity, and inclusion practices
Demographics in Canada, and the workplace, are changing. These include population changes due to race, ethnicity, religion/faith, immigration status, gender, sexual identity and orientation, disability, income, educational background, socioeconomic status, and literacy. While this rich diversity can present challenges for patient experiences/outcomes and working environments, it can also present opportunities for positive transformation. For successful transformation to take place, strategies
McCord, Mallory A. ; Joseph, Dana L. ; Dhanani, Lindsay Y. ; Beus, Jeremy M.
A Meta-Analysis of Sex and Race Differences in Perceived Workplace Mistreatment
Despite the growing number of meta-analyses published on the subject of workplace mistreatment and the expectation that women and racial minorities are mistreated more frequently than men and Whites, the degree of subgroup differences in perceived workplace mistreatment is unknown. To address this gap in the literature, we meta-analyzed the magnitude of sex and race differences in perceptions of workplace
Sabine Bacouel
Identity construction in the workplace: Different reactions of ethnic minority groups to an organizational diversity policy in a French manufacturing company
This study investigates how a French manufacturing company responds to institutional forces concerning its diversity policy and how employees react to it, particularly those belonging to minority groups not addressed by the policy. Such questions are relevant to the legitimacy of organizational diversity policies and employees’ perceptions of diversity in particular environments. We analyzed data from 35 interviews to characterize