Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Andrew E. Clark , Conchita D’Ambrosio , Rong Zhu
Job quality and workplace gender diversity in Europe
We here consider the relationship between workplace gender measures and employees’ perceived job quality, where the former cover both the gender mix of workers with the same job title and the gender of the immediate boss. Data from the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey show that men’s job evaluation is higher in gender-balanced job positions at the workplace, while that
Pnina Alon-Shenker and Therese MacDermott
Intersecting age and gender in workplace discrimination complaints
Older female workers experience significant barriers in the labor market. Despite the growing proportion of women in the labor force, gender wage gaps and gendered occupational segregation are still major problems.1 Non-standard employment and precarious work are more common among women than men.2 Women also bear significant unpaid caregiving responsibilities and experience interrupted paid working lives.3 As female workers age,
M. Nazmul Islam, Fumitaka Furuoka, Aida Idris
Influence of Gender Diversity on Employee Work Engagement in the Context of Organizational Change
Employee work engagement is one of the key factors to manage successful organizational change. The present study investigated the moderating effect of gender diversity between transformational leadership, valence, and employee work engagement. Applying social bond theory, expectancy theory of motivation, and mental model theory, six hypotheses were examined in this study, using data from 300 full-time employees from Bangladesh’s banking
Muzafer Eroğlu· Meltem Karatepe Kaya
Impact of Artifcial Intelligence on Corporate Board Diversity Policies and Regulations
With the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in company activities, discussions on how to use AI in company management have emerged. Although AI is not legally recognised as a director in company law, there are examples of robot directors such as Vital, which have managed to get a seat in the corporate boardroom. Today, AI is on the verge
Inju Yang, Sabine Bacouel-Jentjens
Identity construction in the workplace: Different reactions of ethnic minority groups to an organizational diversity policy in a French manufacturing company
This study investigates how a French manufacturing company responds to institutional forces concerning its diversity policy and how employees react to it, particularly those belonging to minority groups not addressed by the policy. Such questions are relevant to the legitimacy of organizational diversity policies and employees’ perceptions of diversity in particular environments. We analyzed data from 35 interviews to characterize
Sabine Bacouel
Identity construction in the workplace: Different reactions of ethnic minority groups to an organizational diversity policy in a French manufacturing company
This study investigates how a French manufacturing company responds to institutional forces concerning its diversity policy and how employees react to it, particularly those belonging to minority groups not addressed by the policy. Such questions are relevant to the legitimacy of organizational diversity policies and employees’ perceptions of diversity in particular environments. We analyzed data from 35 interviews to characterize
Ivona Hidega, Anne E. Wilson
History backfires: Reminders of past injustices against women undermine support for workplace policies promoting women
Public discourse on current inequalities often invokes past injustice endured by minorities. This rhetoric also sometimes underlies contemporary equality policies. Drawing on social identity theory and the employment equity literature, we suggest that reminding people about past injustice against a disadvantaged group (e.g., women) can invoke social identity threat among advantaged group members (e.g., men) and undermine support for employment
Mohamed Mousa, Rami Ayoubi, Hiba Massoud
Gender, workplace fun and organisational inclusion: an empirical study
Purpose – This paper addresses nurses working in public hospitals in order to find out how gender may affect their perception of both diversity management and organisational inclusion. Moreover, and given the novelty of workplace fun and the lack of research in this field in the context of developing countries, the authors explore the relationship between diversity management and organisational
Mohamed Mousa, Hiba K. Massoud and Rami M. Ayoubi
Gender, diversity management perceptions, workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether females have different perceptions of diversity management and workplace happiness compared to their male colleagues. Furthermore, the paper explores whether diversity management perceptions mediate the relationship between workplace happiness and organisational citizenship behaviour. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 260 questionnaires from a number of public hospitals in Egypt were
Katina Sawyer, Christian Thoroughgood
Gender non-conformity and the modern workplace: New frontiers in understanding and promoting gender identity expression at work
“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves.” –—Steve Maraboli, Ph.D. As the opening quote suggests, when employees can authentically express themselves at work, they tend to be happier and healthier. In today’s modern workplace, HR man- agers are having to increasingly address the many complex issues surrounding gender identity and expression. With the public gender transitions