Academic Papers
Empowering inclusion with insightful research.
Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!
We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.
Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.
We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!
Wido G.M. Oerlemans and Maria C.W. Peeters
The multicultural workplace: interactive acculturation and intergroup relations
Purpose – The paper’s aim is to introduce the interactive acculturation model (IAM) of Bourhis et al. to predict how disconcordance in acculturation orientations between host community and immigrant workers relates to the quality of intergroup work-relations. Design/methodology/approach – The sample consisted of 141 host community (Dutch) and 41 non-western immigrant workers of a postal service company who filled out
Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben, Anthony R. Wheeler
Coverage by smoke-free workplace policies by race/ ethnicity and health outcomes: Can workplace health policies improve worker health?
Purpose – The present research has three goals: to examine the prevalence of smoke-free workplace policies; to examine how coverage by a smoke-free workplace policy differs among racial/ethnic groups; and to examine the impact of smoke-free workplace policy (SFWP) coverage on health outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – The research uses secondary analysis of data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
Yesenia Rivera
Managing Diverse Employees at Starbucks: Focusing on Ethics and Inclusion
Workforce diversity is a reality of the modern times for every organization and managing it effectively can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the management of diversity at one of the most admired companies in America, and one of the 100 best companies to work for, Starbucks. We will discuss how managers
Carolin Hagelskamp, Diane L. Hughes
Workplace Discrimination Predicting Racial/Ethnic Socialization Across African American, Latino, and Chinese Families
Informed by Kohn and Schooler’s (1969) occupational socialization framework, this study examined linkages between racial/ethnic minority mothers’ perceptions of racial/ethnic discrimination in the workplace and adolescents’ accounts of racial/ethnic socialization in the home. Data were collected from 100 mother– early adolescent dyads who participated in a longitudinal study of urban adolescents’ development in the Northeastern United States, including African American,
George Major, Agnes Terraschke, Emily Major, Charlotte Setijadi
Working it out: migrants’ perspectives of social inclusion in the workplace
This paper explores the concept of social inclusion from the perspective of recent migrants, from language backgrounds other than English, at work in Australia. We adopt an understanding of social inclusion that acknowledges the importance of economic independence, while also considering migrants’ feelings of connectedness at work and their sense of belonging. Based on qualitative interviews with migrants collected two
Laura J. Chavez, MPH, India J. Ornelas, PhD, Courtney R. Lyles, PhD, Emily C. Williams, PhD, MPH
Racial/Ethnic Workplace Discrimination: Association with Tobacco and Alcohol Use
Background: Experiences of discrimination are associated with tobacco and alcohol use, and work is a common setting where individuals experience racial/ethnic discrimination. Few studies have evaluated the association between workplace discrimination and these behaviors, and none have described associations across race/ethnicity. Purpose: To examine the association between workplace discrimination and tobacco and alcohol use in a large, multistate sample of
Tina Opie and Laura Morgan Roberts
Do black lives really matter in the workplace? Restorative justice as a means to reclaim humanity
Purpose – Overwhelming evidence suggests that black lives have not and do not matter in the American workplace. In fact, disturbing themes of black labor dehumanization, exploitation and racial discrimination appear throughout history into the present-day workplace. Yet, curiously, organizations and organizational scholars largely ignore how racism and slavery have informed management practice (Cooke, 2003) and contemporary workplace racism. The
Diana Rajendran, Karen Farquharson, Chandana Hewege
Workplace integration: the lived experiences of highly skilled migrants in Australia
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore how highly skilled migrants to Australia integrate into the workplace, focussing on the factors that foster or hinder that integration. Design/methodology/approach – An inductive method using an interpretive methodological approach was employed. In-depth interview data were analysed thematically. Findings – Informal workplace practices, such as informal peer mentoring and having
Bronwyn Ewing, Grace Sarra, Robin Price, Grace O’Brien and Chelsey Priddle
Access to sustainable employment and productive training: workplace participation strategies for Indigenous employees
Access to sustainable and viable employment is crucial to an individual’s potential to achieve a reasonable quality of life. Policies introduced to promote Indigenous employment in Australia, such as Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP), have had minimal impact on long-term employment outcomes and the percentage of Indigenous people in employment has barely moved in 35 years. According to statistics in
Rezza Moieni, Peter Mousaferiadis, and Carlos Oscar Sorezano
A Practical Approach to Measuring Cultural Diversity on Australian Organizations and Schools
Although there is an abundance of academic literature addressing the importance of cultural diversity, there is a significant lack of discussion afforded to actual methodologies employed when measuring diversity. Our research comprises the development of a set of quantifiable dimensions of diversity that can be benchmarked, compared over time, evaluated against adjustable variables and used to provide recommendations. Our research