Academic Papers
Empowering inclusion with insightful research.
Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!
We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.
Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.
We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!
Katherine A. Lingras, M. Elizabeth Alexander & Danielle M. Vrieze
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts at a Departmental Level: Building a Committee as a Vehicle for Advancing Progress
Academic Health Centers (AHCs) across the nation are experiencing a reawakening to the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Such work impacts both employees and patients served by healthcare institutions. Yet, for departments without previously existing formal channels for this work, it is not always apparent where to begin. The current manuscript details a process for creating a committee
Hongxia Shan, Amy Cheng, Nasim Peikazadi, Yeonjoo Kim
Fostering diversity work as a process of lifelong learning: A partnership case study with an immigrant services organisation
Diversity work is an area of growing interest for organisations in both the private and public sectors. In a nutshell, the term refers to the work conducted within an organisation that promotes inclusive and equitable engagement with people and communities across social differences such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and religion. Related research has generated relatively more knowledge about the
Katalin Tardos, Veronika Paksi
What do equality plans reveal about workplace equality and diversity in higher education and research performing organisations? : a content analysis approach
In the last two decades implementing Equality/Equal Opportunities/Diversity and Inclusion Plans have been becoming more and more widespread across both private and public organisations (Konrad–Linnehan 1995; Edwin 2001; Kalev–Kelly–Dobbin 2006; Coast 2013; Ali–Konrad 2017). Moreover, as a consequence of internationalisation, globalisation, and growing pressures for excellence, higher education institutions and research performing organisations (RPOs) had to tackle the challenges of
Meraiah Foley and Rae Cooper
Workplace gender equality in the post-pandemic era: Where to next?
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed and accelerated many gendered labour market inequalities in Australia and around the world. In this introduction to our special issue, ‘Workplace Gender Equality: Where are we now and where to next?’, we examine the impact of the pandemic on women’s employment, labour force participation, earnings, unpaid care work and experience of gendered violence. We identify five
Kahn, J. M., Gray, D. M., Oliveri, J. M., Washington, C. M., DeGraffinreid, C. R., & Paskett, E. D.
Strategies to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical trials
There is a growing need for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in cancer care. One area requiring immediate attention and solutions is equal access and accrual to clinical trials. Increasing DEI in clinical trials is identified as a high-priority area by both the Institute of Medicine1 and the National Cancer Institute (NCI); however, persistent underenrollment of Black, Indigenous, and People
Grace E. Kennedy, BS, Shelby L. Bergstresser, MD, Stephanie L. Rakestraw, MD, Zdenek Novak, MD, PhD, Britney Corey, MD, Herbert Chen, MD, and Danielle C. Sutzko, MD, MS
Does Chair of Surgery Gender Influence Divisional or Residency Program Director Gender Diversity?
Background: Workplace diversity is beneficial and results in new ideas and improved performance. Within surgery leadership, the gender gap is improving, but still present. Given the increasing number of women surgery department chairs, we aimed to examine the association of surgery chair gender with division and residency program director gender. We hypothesized that surgery departments with female leadership would have
"I. Direto, Shannon Chance, L. Clemmensen, S. Craps, S.B. Economides, S.R. Isaac, A.M. Jolly, F.R. Truscott,
and N. Wint"
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education: an exploration of European higher education institutions’ strategic frameworks, resources, and initiatives
Significant efforts have been made to promote gender equality in higher education (HE) in Europe. Examples include the establishment of the Athena Swan Charter in the UK in 2005 and the 2019 launch of the Irène Curie Fellowship scheme by Eindhoven University of Technology. But which initiatives address broader diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) challenges in HE? And which are
Maura Kelly & JaDee Carathers & Tristen Kade
Beyond Tolerance: Policies, Practices, and Ideologies of Queer-Friendly Workplaces
Introduction In the United States, workplace protections for queer and trans workers have expanded; however, previous research has indicated that policy change alone is not sufficient to create supportive workplace cultures. The inequality regimes theoretical framework suggests examining policies, practices, and ideologies to understand inequality in work organizations. Methods Drawing upon 75 qualitative interviews with queer and trans workers in
Kathomi Gatwiri, Darlene Rotumah and Elizabeth Rix
BlackLivesMatter in Healthcare: Racism and Implications for Health Inequity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia
Despite decades of evidence showing that institutional and interpersonal racism serve as significant barriers to accessible healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, attempts to address this systemic problem still fall short. The social determinants of health are particularly poignant given the socio-political-economic history of invasion, colonisation, and subsequent entrenchment of racialised practices in the Australian healthcare landscape. Embedded
Kari M. Rosenkranz, Tania K. Arora, Paula M. Termuhlen, Steven C. Stain, Subhasis Misra, Daniel Dent, Valentine Nfonsam
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Medicine: Why It Matters and How do We Achieve It?
Diversifying the medical work force is critical to reducing health care disparity and improving patient outcomes. This manuscript offers a comprehensive review of best practices to improve both the recruitment and the retention of underrepresented minorities in training programs and beyond. ( J Surg Ed 000:18. 2020 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights