Academic Papers
Empowering inclusion with insightful research.
Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!
We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.
Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.
We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!
Angela Jones
“It’s Hard Out Here for a Unicorn”: Transmasculine and Nonbinary Escorts, Embodiment, and Inequalities in Cisgendered Workplaces
In this article, I draw from in-depth interviews with 34 transmasculine and nonbinary escorts who were assigned female at birth (AFAB) to explore the complicated relationship between gender, race, sexuality, embodiment, and workplace inequalities in what I have called cisgendered workplaces. Cissexism, transmisogyny, and racism are embedded in workspaces, brothels, agencies, and the websites escorts use for advertising, and clients
Doris Ruth Eikhof
A double-edged sword: twenty-first century workplace trends and gender equality
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to uncover the hidden gender consequences of three current trends in the workplace, the increase in knowledge work, information and communication technology (ICT) and work-life balance policies. Design/methodology/approach – The paper synthesizes and analyses existing empirical evidence from research on knowledge work, work-life balance and boundary, women’s work and careers. Findings –
McCord, Mallory A. ; Joseph, Dana L. ; Dhanani, Lindsay Y. ; Beus, Jeremy M.
A Meta-Analysis of Sex and Race Differences in Perceived Workplace Mistreatment
Despite the growing number of meta-analyses published on the subject of workplace mistreatment and the expectation that women and racial minorities are mistreated more frequently than men and Whites, the degree of subgroup differences in perceived workplace mistreatment is unknown. To address this gap in the literature, we meta-analyzed the magnitude of sex and race differences in perceptions of workplace
Bronwyn Ewing, Grace Sarra, Robin Price, Grace O’Brien and Chelsey Priddle
Access to sustainable employment and productive training: workplace participation strategies for Indigenous employees
Access to sustainable and viable employment is crucial to an individual’s potential to achieve a reasonable quality of life. Policies introduced to promote Indigenous employment in Australia, such as Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP), have had minimal impact on long-term employment outcomes and the percentage of Indigenous people in employment has barely moved in 35 years. According to statistics in
Bettina J. Casad and William J. Bryant
Addressing Stereotype Threat is Critical to Diversity and Inclusion in Organizational Psychology
Recently researchers have debated the relevance of stereotype threat to the work place. Critics have argued that stereotype threat is not relevant in high stakes testing such as inpersonnel selection. We and others argue that stereotype threat is highly relevant in personnel selection, but our review focused on under explored areas including effects of stereotype threat beyond test performance and
Michelle T. Violanti
Addressing Workplace Bullying Behaviors Through Responsible Leadership Theory: Essential Skills for Strategic Communicators
The purpose of this chapter is to argue why a responsible leadership (RL) approach advances the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts of organizations and their members in ways that reduce or eradicate bullying behaviors that can thwart DEI authenticity. Strategic communicators (SCs) are positioned to address issues that influence their organization’s ability to remain sustainable and to treat each
Murray, Teri A. ; Loyd, Vanessa
Advancing Racial Justice and Diversity Through Equity and Inclusion
What better time than now for academic nursing to look critically and intentionally at how the profession addresses racism? The National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing (American Nurses Association [ANA], 2021) announced a call for immediate action earlier this year. The Commission’s focus is to explore racism within nursing, and the impact racism has on individuals, communities, and health
Jeremy W. Bohonos, Stephanie Sisco
Advocating for social justice, equity, and inclusion in the workplace: An agenda for anti-racist learning organizations
Amidst ongoing racist violence in the United States, this article will recognize workplace-based efforts to act against racially motivated discrimination targeted at the Black community. More specifically, this article will examine anti-racist initiatives in the workplace by connecting these efforts to broader discussions of human rights, organizational social justice, and the Black Lives Matter movement. Culturally responsive leadership approaches, ally
Maura Kelly & JaDee Carathers & Tristen Kade
Beyond Tolerance: Policies, Practices, and Ideologies of Queer-Friendly Workplaces
Introduction In the United States, workplace protections for queer and trans workers have expanded; however, previous research has indicated that policy change alone is not sufficient to create supportive workplace cultures. The inequality regimes theoretical framework suggests examining policies, practices, and ideologies to understand inequality in work organizations. Methods Drawing upon 75 qualitative interviews with queer and trans workers in
Kathomi Gatwiri, Darlene Rotumah and Elizabeth Rix
BlackLivesMatter in Healthcare: Racism and Implications for Health Inequity among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia
Despite decades of evidence showing that institutional and interpersonal racism serve as significant barriers to accessible healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, attempts to address this systemic problem still fall short. The social determinants of health are particularly poignant given the socio-political-economic history of invasion, colonisation, and subsequent entrenchment of racialised practices in the Australian healthcare landscape. Embedded