Academic Papers

Empowering inclusion with insightful research.

Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers repository!

We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, gathered from reputable sources across the internet. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.

Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.

We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!

Junghyun Lee
Passive leadership and sexual harassment: Roles of observed hostility and workplace gender ratio
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine whether observed hostility mediates the link between passive leadership and sexual harassment. The study also investigates how workplace gender ratio might moderate this mediated relationship. Design/methodology/approach – This study used online survey data by recruiting full-time working employees in various US organisations and industries. Findings – Results suggest that when
Kelly L. Reddy-Best
LGBTQ Women, Appearance Negotiations, and Workplace Dress Codes
The purpose of this study was to explore LGBTQ women’s experiences with unwritten or formal dress codes at work. I asked: What are LGBTQ women’s experiences in the workplace with appearance management, and what are LGBTQ women’s experiences navigating the written and unwritten dress codes in the workplace? To answer the research question, interviews were conducted with 24 self-identifying LGBTQ
Anouk Lloren & Lorena Parini
How LGBT-Supportive Workplace Policies Shape the Experience of Lesbian, Gay Men, and Bisexual Employees
Support for lesbians’, gay men’s, bisexuals’, and transgender people’s (LGBT) rights has increased over the last two decades. However, these recent trends hide existing disparities between and within countries. In particular, workplace discrimination is still a relatively widespread phenomenon. Although many countries lack legal provision protecting LGBT employees, numerous organizations have adopted LGBT-supportive policies over the last two decades. Many
Nanette L. Yragui • Caitlin A. Demsky • Leslie B. Hammer • Sarah Van Dyck • Moni B. Neradilek
Linking Workplace Aggression to Employee Well-Being and Work: The Moderating Role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (FSSB)
Purpose The present study examined the moderating effects of family-supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB) on the relationship between two types of workplace aggression (i.e., patient-initiated physical aggression and coworker-initiated psychological aggression) and employee well-being and work outcomes. Methodology Data were obtained from a field sample of 417 healthcare workers in two psychiatric hospitals. Hypotheses were tested using moderated multiple regression analyses.
Suchuan Zhang and Qiao Shi
The relationship between subjective well-being and workplace ostracism: The moderating role of emotional intelligence
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of subjective well-being (SWB) on workplace ostracism, by focusing on the moderating role of emotional intelligence (EI). SWB is taken here as a construct of three components: life satisfaction, positive affect (PA), and negative affect (NA). Design/methodology/approach – The theoretical model was tested using data collected from employees
"Heasun Choi, Sounman Hong, and Jung Wook Lee"
Does Increasing Gender Representativeness and Diversity Improve Organizational Integrity?
Recent scholarship has suggested that representative bureaucracy improves organizational integrity. This article tests this argument with respect to gender, using data from Korean government agencies from 2008 to 2014. The findings suggest that an increase in female representation and diversity in public organizations leads to an improvement in the measured level of organizational integrity. We found, however, that incidents of
Sara J. Baker, Kristen Lucas
Is it safe to bring myself to work? Understanding LGBTQ experiences of workplace dignity
Despite increased efforts by more organizations to be seen as “gay-friendly,” workplaces remain challenging sites for LGBTQ employees to navigate. We examine the ways in which LGBTQ employees experience dignity threats in the workplace and the protection strategies they use to deflect those threats. Interviews with 36 LGBTQ working adults revealed that their dignity is threatened by a range of
Tina Opie and Laura Morgan Roberts
Do black lives really matter in the workplace? Restorative justice as a means to reclaim humanity
Purpose – Overwhelming evidence suggests that black lives have not and do not matter in the American workplace. In fact, disturbing themes of black labor dehumanization, exploitation and racial discrimination appear throughout history into the present-day workplace. Yet, curiously, organizations and organizational scholars largely ignore how racism and slavery have informed management practice (Cooke, 2003) and contemporary workplace racism. The
Mustafa Bilgehan Ozturk & Ahu Tatli
Gender identity inclusion in the workplace: broadening diversity management research and practice through the case of transgender employees in the UK
Based on 14 in-depth interviews, this paper explores the unique workplace experiences of transgender individuals in the UK employment context. The paper identifies gender identity diversity as a key blind spot in HRM and diversity management research and practice. The findings reveal the range of workplace challenges experienced by transgender employees. Major findings are that discriminatory effects are often occupation-
Hakan Sezerel • Hatice Zumrut Tonus
The effects of the organizational culture on diversity management perceptions in hotel industry
The perception of discrimination and lack of justice may lead to inefficiency, conflicts and unmanageable situations. Particularly in countries like Turkey that contain geographical, ethnic, religious and sectorial differences throughout its history, where the employment of women in business life is inadequate, and where the sensibilities concerning the employment and the work conditions of the disabled individuals is recently becoming