Academic Papers
Empowering inclusion with insightful research.
Welcome to the Diversity Atlas Academic Papers Repository!
We are delighted to offer you this collection of academic papers on diversity, equity, and inclusion, curated from verified and reputable sources. This resource is designed to provide our members with quick access to valuable research that can inform and enhance your DEI initiatives.
Please note that all papers included in this repository have been collected with respect for and in accordance with the rights of the original authors and publishers.
We hope you find this resource useful and enriching. Happy reading!
Zeynep Arsel, David Crockett, Maura L Scott
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Journal of Consumer Research: A Curation and Research Agenda
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has become ubiquitous in public and academic discourse. This is despite ongoing contests over definitions and the lack of a clear consensus about the relative importance (and even the appropriate order) of each component. For our purposes, diversity refers broadly to real or perceived physical or socio-cultural differences attributed to people and the representation of
Kim A. Young, Shahidul Hassan & Deneen M. Hatmaker
Towards understanding workplace incivility: gender, ethical leadership and personal control
Few public management studies have examined the prevalence of workplace incivility and ways to reduce uncivil behaviour towards women and minority groups. The present research examines the influence of employee gender, personal control, and ethical leadership on workplace incivility experiences in public workplaces using data collected from government and non-profit employees in Pakistan. We find that women are more likely
Darryl B. Rice & Nicole C. J. Young & Sharon Sheridan
Improving employee emotional and behavioral investments through the trickle-down effect of organizational inclusiveness and the role of moral supervisors
Over two (i.e., a 2 × 2 experiment and a multi-source field study) studies, we propose and demonstrate how employees increase their emotional (i.e., affective commitment) and behavioral (i.e., citizenship behavior) investments in the workplace as a valuable outcome of the trickle-down effect of organizational inclusiveness. We also explain how supervisory moral identity impacts the trickle-down effect. Notably, the research
Elena P. Antonacopoulou | Andri Georgiadou
Leading through social distancing: The future of work, corporations and leadership from home
At this critical juncture when the COVID-19 health crisis has disrupted our ways of living, working and relating to each other, we are perforce to explore and co-create the Future we want to be part of. Drawing upon feminist theory, we introduce the notion of ‘inclusiveness’ as a fresh conceptualization of the impact of meaning rendering from working, almost irrespective
Kusal Tharinda Nanayakkara, Sara Jane Wilkinson, Sumita Ghosh
Future office layouts for large organisations: workplace specialist and design firms’ perspective
Purpose – Office layout arrangements have a significant influence on many important aspects of organisations, and design firms need to liaise with the client to determine the most appropriate design process. The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors design firms consider when designing new office layouts and the nature of future offices from the design and workplace
Amy L. BartelsI, Suzanne J. Peterson , Christopher S. Reina
Understanding well-being at work: Development and validation of the eudaimonic workplace well-being scale
Given the amount of time and effort individuals pour into work, scholars and practitioners alike have spent considerable time and resources trying to understand well-being in the workplace. Unfortunately, much of the current research and measurement focuses on workplace well-being from only one perspective (i.e. hedonic well-being rather than eudaimonic well-being) or by generalizing between workplace well-being and general well-being.
Katina Sawyer, Christian Thoroughgood
Gender non-conformity and the modern workplace: New frontiers in understanding and promoting gender identity expression at work
“There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a person being themselves.” –—Steve Maraboli, Ph.D. As the opening quote suggests, when employees can authentically express themselves at work, they tend to be happier and healthier. In today’s modern workplace, HR man- agers are having to increasingly address the many complex issues surrounding gender identity and expression. With the public gender transitions
Sara J. Baker, Kristen Lucas
Is it safe to bring myself to work? Understanding LGBTQ experiences of workplace dignity
Despite increased efforts by more organizations to be seen as “gay-friendly,” workplaces remain challenging sites for LGBTQ employees to navigate. We examine the ways in which LGBTQ employees experience dignity threats in the workplace and the protection strategies they use to deflect those threats. Interviews with 36 LGBTQ working adults revealed that their dignity is threatened by a range of
Bronwyn Ewing, Grace Sarra, Robin Price, Grace O’Brien and Chelsey Priddle
Access to sustainable employment and productive training: workplace participation strategies for Indigenous employees
Access to sustainable and viable employment is crucial to an individual’s potential to achieve a reasonable quality of life. Policies introduced to promote Indigenous employment in Australia, such as Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP), have had minimal impact on long-term employment outcomes and the percentage of Indigenous people in employment has barely moved in 35 years. According to statistics in
Courtney von Hippel, Denise Sekaquaptewa, and Matthew McFarlane
Stereotype Threat Among Women in Finance: Negative Effects on Identity, Workplace Well-Being, and Recruiting
Because women are in the minority in masculine fields like finance and banking, women in these fields may experience stereotype threat or the concern about being negatively stereotyped in their workplace. Research demonstrates that stereotype threat among women in management and accounting leads to negative job attitudes and intentions to quit via its effects on identity separation, or the perception